Q1. How can i sign up on MUNAFood.in?

Ans. Sign up is very simple! Just log on to www.munafood.in and click on SIGN UP button by filling few details in sign up form.

Q2. Is Email Address & Mobile Number required to sign up a profile?

Ans. Yes, you need to enter a valid email address & mobile number to create a profile. Email address is unique to every profile on website so it can't be used to create another profile. There is always flexibility to change email address & mobile number within created profile.

Q3. I forgot my password, how can i reset?

Ans. Resetting Password is quite easy process. Please click on "Forgot Password" link on login page and follow the instructions to reset your password.

Q4. How can i change my password?

Ans. You can change your password by clicking menu with your name and choose "Change Password". You can enter current and new password to get it change. 

Q5. How can i upload photos on my profile?

Ans.  You can login to your profile and upload photos by editing your profile. Please follow the instructions for uploading photos.
                        In case of any issues, you can also send your photos via WhatsApp or Support Email for instant upload.

Q6. How can i upload my recipes?

Ans. Login your account, click "Add Recipe" button and fill recipe details and submit your recipe.After submission recipe will be verified by admin then you can see your recipe.If you are cook or chef, then you can add your recipe.

Q7. How can i search edit my profile?

Ans. You can edit your profile by clicking menu with your name and choose "Profile" and "Edit Profile".

Q8. How can i search recipe of my choice?

Ans. To find choice recipe you can use our search options like Basic Search, Filter by cook or chef & recipe name. "Search" menu appear after your login to your profile.

Q9. How can i see cook or chef profile?

Ans. You can see  cook or chef profile by clicking cook & chef button.

Q10. How can i contact you?

Ans. Our Customer Support teams are available for detailed assistance over WhatsApp, Phone and Email. For contact details check "Contact" menu.

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